Manuele Mania

For the spreading of: rumors, records, and OCD!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Sis is trying to keep up with little sisters

I don't work at night (like Gina) and I don't have 7% body fat (like Paula) but I think I can still whip them at tennis.


Larzipan said...

What the?!!! does Kevin know what a BABE his wife is?

Nicole said...

Holy! The Manuele women are pretty dang hot! I guess I need some more protein and fiber! You guys all look awesome.

Paula said...

Don't ever look that good again.
I just want to know one thing. Did you have gas while posing for that picture? Ever since I started eating 30 grams of fiber a day my stomach is one big air bubble. I just let it out slowly and smoothly all day long. Now I know what is feels like to be a guy.